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15th Annual Arbaeen Medical Mission

Plans for IMI’s 15th Annual Arbaeen Medical Mission include a medical camp in Karbala, in-person training through the Annual Arbaeen Conference, public health information for pilgrims/zawaar, and the continued provision of free medications/medical supplies and equipment.


As in all previous years, certain costs for IMI’s Annual Arbaeen Medical Mission delegates are being covered by IMI donors and collaborators. Costs are also higher than in previous years. Therefore, please anticipate your costs to include:

Subsidized AAMM15 Packages

AAMM 15 Packages include certain program costs and ground packages with airport to airport arrangements and 14 nights of accommodations in Iraq. Because our medical delegation needs are very different from traditional ziyarat kafla needs—our delegates simply need a small space to lay their heads and are focused primarily on serving the zawaar—we arrange simple accommodations. Our standard AAMM15 Package ($1260) will include 14 nights of accommodations at basic, simple hotels that are clean and functional. The hotels are all a short 5-6 minute walk from the Haram and the tentative camp location.

In addition, to further help manage expenses, particularly for those from dollar conversion inflation economies (eg. Pakistan), IMI also has limited AAMM15 budget packages ($450) that will include shared apartments instead of hotel accommodations in Karbala. These apartments are humble accommodations located approximately 15-20 minutes walk from the camp. The bedrooms would have multiple individuals (6-10) per room with simple mattresses to sleep on.

AAMM15 Packages


Applications for IMI’s 15th Annual Arbaeen Medical Mission are now closed

All interested health professionals (especially general practitioners/ family & emergency medicine physicians, cardiologists, respiratory specialists/ pulmonologists, pediatricians) were invited to apply for Medical Staff, pharmacists for Pharmacy Staff, nurses for Nursing Staff, dentists for Dental Staff and non-health professionals or students for Administrative Staff.


This delegation’s primary purpose is to provide medical services during Arbaeen. The situation in Iraq is constantly shifting and volatile. You must be flexible with regards to planning and logistics including accommodations, transportation, electricity and other local needs/arrangements. Things constantly change on the ground and our baseline requirement is for all delegates to be patient, flexible and work together despite very intense and challenging conditions. All delegates must also strictly abide by IMI regulations including safety and infection prevention guidelines.
